How to join ACCA
The Automobilia Collectors Club of Australia was founded in 1992 and caters for all who are interested in collecting automobile-related items, such as: advertising signs, literature, motoring badges, petrol pumps, oil bottles and racks, mascots, hub caps, spark plugs, number plates, garage tools and equipment, motoring accessories, pedal cars.
The aims of ACCA are: to produce a Register of fellow collectors and a list of what they collect; to kindle friendships with people of similar interests; to research then educate each other more about this exciting hobby via personal contact.
Benefits include receiving our quarterly magazine and being able to attend annual gatherings in each State.
If you would like to join, you can download an Application Form in Acrobat format (PDF, 165K), which also includes contact details for the State Representatives.
Please forward this application, together with your cheque or money order made out to ACCA, to:
Membership Secretary ACCA
Peter Elston
Email Us
Club Membership fees are: $60 Australia
All other overseas countries: $70 AUD
Club year is from 1st July to 30th June each year.
Please return completed application with your applicable fee to the address above. Make cheques payable to “ACCA”. Or in Australia only, direct deposit on-line to our Bendigo Bank, BSB: 633 000 Account: 139772511 and be sure to show your name as a reference, otherwise we will not know who this deposit is from. And if you do pay on-line in lieu of your cheque, please note that on your application. Overseas membership applications will have to work out their best method of currency conversion in getting the Au$70 to us.