Sumbit an ACCA Magazine Photo or Article

Do you have a photo that would make a good ‘snippet’, or an idea for an article for the ACCA Magazine? If so we’d love to hear from you, just use the form below to tell us your story, and provide us with some images to go along with it. It’s as simple as posting on Facebook with the bonus that you might see it printed in our next magazine!


  • All we need is one good photo for a snippet or a few for an article.
  • A description doesn’t have to be lengthy to be interesting.
  • Examples; what is it, how/where did you get it, where was the photo taken, who’s in the photo, what year was it, how old it is etc.

This is likely the first time the editor is seeing your photos so make it easy to tell what words belong with which photo, or who’s who if you’re referring to people in your photos.

Submit a Story/Picture for the ACCA Magazine

  • You can upload up to five images using this form, they should be in jpeg format and combined, should total less that 20 megabytes.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg.
  • Please tick the box labelled I'm not a robot, and then if a grid of images appears, click the images on the grid that match the description.

Membership Form

Magazine Story/Picture




The above businesses support ACCA through advertising in the quarterly ACCA Magazine. Promoting your business through the magazine also includes exposure on this site.